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Intimacy Poll: Breaking The Barrier Between The Sheet

Intimacy Poll: Breaking The Barrier Between The Sheet
Breaking The Barrier Between The Sheet
To understand the changing dynamism between men and women the relationship especially in the first year of marriage or courtship or relationship, we conducted a series of poll to understand the intimacy. The responses show the transition of the couple from inhibition to experimentation and exploration. We asked about the sex frequency in a week and for the majority for 29% of the participant the frequency was and every is 2 to 3 times a week. 18% of the respondents had sex between 4 to 6 times a week. 11% mated between 7 to 9 times a week while only 13% enjoyed it more and had made love more than ten times a week. The message for the majority that is 47% of the participant the frequency was an average 2 to 3 times or less than that in a week.
More of ecstasy, less of monotony
We asked the couple the newly married couples about action planning. To the question whether they planned six together 40% of the participants voted in affirmative. 46% participants denied meaning that for them eight address and planned. 40% of the participant was unsure.
Sex is important but not a big priority
We asked if the participants kept sex as the priority in their relationship. In response to this question, 39% of the participants voted in affirmative. 59% of the participant denied having sex as the priority while 10% where the response of 10% participants was inconclusive. Understanding the dynamism in the man-woman relationship in the first year of marriage, we are fixed about the couple’s approach towards sex.
In response to the question of engagement, 43% of the participants said that both the partner partners get creative. 18% of the participant said to have led in the act while 12% of the participant said to have followed the partner instead. And at 27% of the participant enjoyed the act without any pre-thought.
Using sex as a favoring means
We wanted to understand if the participants, the newly married couple use their intimacy and sexual relationship as a means to components fate for something or to place the partner or as a means of appeasement. 43% of the participant said to have used sex as a means of doing the favor strongly are sometimes. When ready 4% of the participant very neutral while 34% of the participant said to have not used it as the means are never used it ever.
Returning favor in sex
In the extension of the question, we ask the participant if they return the favor strongly. 32% of the participant said to have returned the favor. Overall a majority that is 16 9% of the participant return the favor. It implies that a proactive initiative in sex is properly returned. Most of the participants make it a point to please their partner in return. 20% of the respondent seemed neutral on this and very marginal percentage of 11% that is 11% of the participant either never believed in returning the favor or did not return the favor at all.
The responses from newly married couple give a very good idea of the changing dynamism in the relationship. 50% of the participant were men while 45% of the participant were women. It also indicates how women are gaining ground and becoming more vocal in the act.
These responses are reflective of the sentiments of the newly married couple. It primarily reflects the views of respondents from metros and dear to cities. The age of these participants was between 25 to 35. With these questionnaires asked on its consumer community, Opinion Bureau, IRB is offering a platform to the respondents to voice their opinion and reflect their lifestyle in the most organic and safe environment where they can express their opinion without any bias or prejudice that too from the comfort of their home.
Expert’s Insight
The poll outcome is very much correlates with the insight I have from the interaction with my clients. Due to the hectic schedule and tough life style of the city dwellers, people even the newly wed don’t get sufficient time to sexually connect. However, in the early years, the involvement of both the partners is more or less the same and they also are vocal about sharing their needs and wants with their partner.
Couple’s willingness to experiment and openness to return the favor, especially in early years is rightly captured. It is also no surprise that people use sex to compensate for the mistake.
About Vijaya
Vijaya Darade is a certified sex counselor and educator who has been helping couples and individuals in dealing with their sexual intimacy and associated psychological problems. A certified trainer from Tata Institute of Social Studies sponsored, Comprehensive Sexuality Educator, she is also certified and trained under India’s leading sexologist Dr. Rajan Bhonsle.
We are thankful to her for framing these questions and also sharing her insight on the poll outcome.
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